Monday, 21 September 2009


Lake Coniston Cumbria
Why when we walk through a place of un timed beauty
Touched by seasons, but never loosing that special appeal.
We hold our breath and feel uplifted and amazed.
Why when we see a child with an open innocent face and trusting eyes
We gasp and look with longing at our past innocence.
Then feel a sadness, mixed with joy for that child`s passage through life.
Why when we hear music so special that it touches our inner core
And fills our body for a brief time, with longing
As we remember with a smile or a frown lost loves.
Why do we constantly search for perfection in ourselves and others
When we have today and tomorrow to accept
That all around us, we will find less than perfection.
Why when we feel dissatisfied and sadness
Don’t we balance this, with a love of life itself..
So we may find life`s imperfections a perfect foil for peace of mind.
Val Cook 2009

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