You are Who you Are
You are who you are for many reasons
Changing through time just like the seasons
Each season’s expectations are high
But often they change we know not why
Summer ’s can be wet and cold
Autumn warm or dark and bold
Winter extreme or mild
But Spring always wakes fresh as a new born child.
As does our years change us.
We can respond by accepting limitations
Living far beyond all expectations
To paddle along nicely
Or drown in self pity and remorse.
Reaching Out
Reaching out takes courage
Persistence and patience.
Often we grasp at straws
Not realising that disappointment
And heartache may be waiting
A few miles down the road.
Never give up and never give in
Is a common rally.
And its true, God loves a tryer
One day perseverance will pay off
The Eureka moment will come
I know, cause it has happened to me.
Love has so many meanings
The young dream that falling in love
Is an all consuming magic moment.
A love that will last forever.
Parental love is a total life changing event
Understanding. patience and tolerance
Required as children develop and grow
Most of us love good food and drink
Clothes, music and movies the list is endless.
Children love attention, holidays toys and games.
I love reading and writing poetry
Plus all the above.
What do you love. VCook 2011