Wednesday, 2 November 2011


His head was bowed as he walked down our street 
This young man in his twenties.
But he walked like an old man
Consciously pacing himself 
One foot after another.
I don’t know where he lived
Or where he might be going, 
But he was there 10am 
Every  Tuesday morning
With out fail.

I began to look for him and as he passed 
My eyes followed him to the corner
Where he turned and disappeared from view.
I often thought of  standing on the corner
To see where he was going
Every Tuesday at 10am.
But I couldn’t, it would be prying,
And I felt sure he would have noticed me.

One Tuesday he didn’t come down our street.
I was sitting by the window
Watching both the clock and the street
Until it chimed  the half hour.
I was curious even concerned ,
As to why after so may months 
 He had  not appeared.

Where had he come from. 
Where was he going.
His absence was disturbing.
I was constantly aware that he was missing.
If only he would come back, 
I would stand at the door 
And  try to raise a smile from him
By  calling out “Good morning.”
But he never did return.

Val Cook Sept 2011

Sunday, 16 October 2011

The Rhythm of the Ride

I love a motorbike ride

An open road signals freedom,

Freedom from everyday restrictions,

Rules that keep me in check.

Nagging worries that drag me down.,

Its liberating, exhilarating,

Lying low, head down chin up,

Open throttle and feeling the wind

Whistling past.

Tyres on asphalt sing their song.

Engine finely tuned throbbing along.

Bobbing and weaving

Swaying left then right

Out of the traffic and into the light

Along narrow winding country lanes

Rolling round bends

Caution on the corners

Then back on to the highway.

Zoom zoom zooming free and easy

Riding the distance, free at last.

Feeling good filled with pride

At one with the machine

In tune to the rhythm of the ride.

Val Cook 2011

Friday, 25 February 2011


Over and over and over again

Over and over and over again
Thoughts of you
Send shivers through the core of me
I want to wrap myself around you
Dance and twirl
To the music in my heart
Over and over and over again
Hot tears cascade
I repeat your name
The familiar mantra
Filling my head
Killing me slowly
Over and over and over again
I wear your sweater
Inhale you
Taste you
Feel the agony of separation
Stealing time and comfort
Over and over and over again

V CooK 2011

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

A Trilogy

You are Who you Are

You are who you are for many reasons
Changing through time just like the seasons
Each season’s expectations are high
But often they change we know not why
Summer ’s can be wet and cold
Autumn warm or dark and bold
Winter extreme or mild
But Spring always wakes fresh as a new born child.
As does our years change us.
We can respond by accepting limitations
Living far beyond all expectations
To paddle along nicely
Or drown in self pity and remorse.

Reaching Out

Reaching out takes courage
Persistence and patience.
Often we grasp at straws
Not realising that disappointment
And heartache may be waiting
A few miles down the road.
Never give up and never give in
Is a common rally.
And its true, God loves a tryer
One day perseverance will pay off
The Eureka moment will come
I know, cause it has happened to me.


Love has so many meanings
The young dream that falling in love
Is an all consuming magic moment.
A love that will last forever.
Parental love is a total life changing event
Understanding. patience and tolerance
Required as children develop and grow
Most of us love good food and drink
Clothes, music and movies the list is endless.
Children love attention, holidays toys and games.
I love reading and writing poetry
Plus all the above.
What do you love. VCook 2011

Night Demons

Night Demons

Oh how deadly these questions and doubts
Enter your mind
As you lie in Bed
Quietly waiting to slip
Softly into sleep.
These niggling nuisances
Nip in and out of your thoughts
Raising more and more doubts.
Its impossible to catch even a moment
Without fear entering , freezing your mind.
Nasty nibbling doubts and fears with
Little or no substance enough
To warrant their impact in the dark.
Suddenly you are wide awake
And as far from sleep as is possible to be.
Awake, I feel able to see more clearly
The issues that have troubled me.
I write them down dismiss them
With a feeling of relief
I return to my pillow.
And sleep.

Val Cook 2011

At That Certain Age

You don’t realise until you reach
A certain age
Just how much adjustment you have to make.
To your daily routine.
No more watching the clock they say
Your retired,
Your kidding
Time flies by fast you have to watch the clock
Otherwise you wont get anything done.

Bed, TV and the telephone
Can become obsessive, they take over.
And lists ,
You will need lists
To remind you when, where and how
To get things done.
You will forget time, appointments, names
Birthdays, telephone number and addresses.
If you don’t then you are the exception.

My priority now is comfort
Underwear and shoes top of the list
As a woman we have certain needs.
As our body succumbs to earths gravitational pull
We have to pull it back
And settle it into a comfortable position every day
The innocuous big knickers.
And no more tottering on heels
Or falling over in strappy sandals
Its flats that give support and balance
And avoid pressure on the bunions

A must is umpteen pairs of spectacles
Scattered around the house
A pair in every handbag
Bags of all shapes, sizes and colours.
Essential accessory to any self respecting woman
Having the ability to hold
Every conceivable emergency need.!!

And when going away, another case for the pills.
Face creams. Body lotions, Epilator and tweezers.
Makeup, toiletries and tissues.
Enough clothes to rig out a family of five.
To cover all seasonal changes.
Twice as much money in case of emergencies.
And phone numbers to keep in touch
With loved ones at home.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Storm

The Storm

Before the storm comes the stillness
A quiet like the dead of the night
You can almost touch the silence
Delivered by brightness of light
The sky ablaze with its brilliance
Is soon in shadows as heavy dark clouds,
Creep and smother the sky
Suddenly claps of thunder roll across the heavens
As if someone is banging a hammer on sheet metal
Bolts of fork lightning strike down to the earth
Sheet lightning fills the sky for miles
Then the noise and flashes travel away, away
As we count the seconds between the hammer and flash.
Seconds later the rain comes down
Unremitting heavy and powerful.
Gutters awash with debri as rainwater pours of roofs
As quickly as it came, it is gone
The sun shines blue skies peek through
And life goes on.

Val Cook 2007